As we get closer to the new Rotary year beginning July 1st, I wanted to make each of you aware of the various options available for DG Club Visits that were discussed at Lone Star P.E.T.S.
Your Club PE should be receiving an email from me shortly describing the available visits in detail.
Briefly, they are:
1. The Regular Rotary Club Meeting Visit, just like we’ve always done. I will visit your regularly scheduled club meeting and give a presentation after the meal. I will also want to visit with the Board Members prior to or after the meeting.
2. A Social Event Visit. I will visit your Club’s social event; or if you want, I will visit a social event hosted by several clubs. Please do advertise to your members that I will be present. At some point during the event, I will give a casual presentation to the members followed by a question and answer session; and, either before or after the event I will need to visit with Club Officers for a brief period.
3. A Club Service Project Visit. I will join you on your Clubs Service Project and work alongside Rotarians to accomplish project goals. Either before or after the event, I will give a casual presentation to the members followed by a question and answer session; and, either before or after the event I will need to visit with Club Officers for a brief period.
3. A Club Service Project Visit. I will join you on your Clubs Service Project and work alongside Rotarians to accomplish project goals. Either before or after the event, I will give a casual presentation to the members followed by a question and answer session; and, either before or after the event I will need to visit with Club Officers for a brief period.
Please review the three options and let me know what best suits your club, or if you have a new and more innovative visit you’d like me to consider, please let me know.
If you will bring this up at your next Rotary Club Board meeting and return the form as soon as possible, the date can be added to our District Calendar. Visits will be on a first come, first served basis. Forms and more information are on our District 5830 Website.
If no response is received, I will make every attempt to hold a Regular Rotary Club Meeting Visit on the date shown on our District 5830 proposed District Calendar of Events.
If you will bring this up at your next Rotary Club Board meeting and return the form as soon as possible, the date can be added to our District Calendar. Visits will be on a first come, first served basis. Forms and more information are on our District 5830 Website.
If no response is received, I will make every attempt to hold a Regular Rotary Club Meeting Visit on the date shown on our District 5830 proposed District Calendar of Events.
It’s going to be a great year in spite of disruptions necessitated by the Coronavirus.
Yours in Rotary,
Jack Welge
District Governor Elect
Rotary International District 5830