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Is hosting required?
In District 5830, all families that would like to send a student on a Short Term exchange must agree to host a student in exchange and must pass a Criminal Background Check. All Short Term exchanges will be direct, family to family exchanges. We will make matches according to student country choices and student interests.
How much does a short-term (summer) exchange with Rotary cost?
Student's family pays: The cost of airfare, passport, personal expenses, and the cost of hosting an exchange student
Rotary covers: All administrative costs, room and board while abroad
How long is a short-term exchange?
This is up to you and your summer schedule, but could range anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months.
Where can I go?
This is up to you and depends on where a match can be made. Be sure to indicate your top three choices on your application.
How do I apply?
Click on the link above. Send completed applications and inquiries to
Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
Download the website sponsorship guide