Greetings from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the Zones 30 & 31 Governor training and Zone Institute!!!
What an exciting event to learn, update and revisit Rotary friends!!
One of the guests was our District’s Membership coordinator at Rotary International, Haris Sofradzija. He shared some updates on your club using Rotary Membership Leads.
When any person interested in learning more about Rotary goes to and fills in an inquiry, they become a Rotary Lead. The lead, including their profile, is sent to the District to dissemination to the club officers, assistant governors and district leadership, so we can reach out to the person to give them more information about the club and, most importantly, come visit.
Recommendations include:
*Each club have a clear plan as to who will review the lead—president, secretary or membership chair?
*Have a My Rotary account so the lead profile can be reviewed after receiving the link from district.
*Review the profile and CONTACT the individual: ask why they are interested in Rotary and what they hope to gain by joining.
*Update the Status Options in Rotary Leads.
*Build more Positive Relationships!
RESOURCES: Grow Your Club Using Membership Leads, and take the Online Membership Leads course in the learning center. Use the Manage Membership Leads page in My Rotary to store information about all your prospective members. Contact me if questions: 
Lee Montgomery @