May your club be blessed with Showers of New and Renewed Members in April!
It looks like more folks are able to get the various Covid19 vaccines and we will soon be getting back to “normal”, or truly a “NEW normal”. Be ready to capitalize on the OPPORTUNITY to REOPEN your Rotary club.
Not sure how to make that happen??—get Membership MOTIVATION by doing a QUICK CHECK of, then MyRotary, Learning & Reference Tab/Learn by Topic, then Membership. Read more for the 3 EASY steps that you’ll LOVE!
2. Scan the follow topics for future review and share with your club’s Membership Chair:
  1. Assess your club
  2. Engage current members
  3. Connect with prospective members
  4. Follow your membership leads
  5. Make NEW members feel WELCOME
  6. Develop your club
  7. Start a NEW CLUB
  8. Stay connected
3. Subscribe to the Membership Minute (see Right hand column)
May your Rotary garden grow many strong and healthy members!!
Yours in Rotary Service, 

Lee Montgomery
District Governor 2016-2017
District Membership Chair 2018-2021
Cell: 972-365-3757//903-372-1576