Last call for DGND applications for DG Nominee Designate who will serve as DG for the 2026-2027 Rotary Year.  

Our District 5830 needs talented and effective leaders for our District to continue to achieve our goals and grow in service to our communities and the world.   Please contact DA Shirley Pinnix-Evans at for an application and list of  District Governor’s responsibilities and qualifications.
The interview for the DG Nominee Designate will be held August 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. in Pittsburg, Texas at First United Methodist Church, 115 Mt. Pleasant Street, Pittsburg, Tx. 75686.  The deadline to submit a completed, signed nomination form is August 10, 2023

Yours in Rotary,
Carolyn Franks 
District Governor 2022-2023
Rotary International District 5830
P.O. Box 700
Pittsburg, Tx. 75686