District 5830 will give $100 to the first 15 clubs that can forward receipts and a short description of a CLUB ENGAGEMENT activity they hold from APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022!!
Throw in a little MONEY and make it FUN!! Membership in Rotary has 3 components: 1. Attraction (focused activity to attract a new Rotary member) 2. Engagement (impactful, intentional event to engage a new member in the service of Rotary) 3. Retention (engagement activity suited to more experienced, existing Rotarians) Ideas on Attraction are readily available to help you club grow.
Just check out the Rotary.org learning center, Membership Resources Guide, or ask me or any Membership Chair or Past President. Event possibilities include, but not limited to: 1. New Member Orientation 2. New Member Social 3. New Member Family Picnic 4. Fireside Chat 5. “Rotary 101” presentation by PDG Carroll Greenwaldt-contact Shirley Pinnix Evans to schedule 6. New Member Happy Hour 7. New Member Service Project, aka “class project” The event description should include: number of new Rotarians (since July 1, 2021) in attendance, the venue, event type (picnic, service project, happy hour, etc.), engagement objectives (committee appointments, project members, fund raiser teams, etc.), number of other Rotarians attending and cost of the event (include receipts). Once received and reviewed, the club will be reimbursed $100!!