For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in general, a basic human right.” This quote from Kofi Annan speaks to Rotary International’s September theme of basic education and literacy. I am very proud of District 5830’s participation in education and literacy. Every one of our clubs in some way work with their local schools in the 3rd grade dictionary donations, scholarships, backpack giveaways and many other donations to our children. Our district also joins with other districts and Rotary International to improve conditions in our global communities so children there can have a safe and sanitary place to learn.
We have received notification regarding the approval of GG 2123430 for the WASH project in Mexico. This grant replaced restroom and water fountains at eight elementary schools and provides water tanks for each. These facilities will serve 6500 students each year.
Every Rotarian and every Club which gives to TRF is a part of this wonderful project. This project was initiated during IPDG Mike Groom’s year as DG.
Thank you for all you are doing to support this area of focus!
I want to encourage you to register for the District Conference Oct. 7-8 in Idabel, OK. It will be worth your time. PDG Mike Groom has planned a great conference in the stunning Museum of the Red River. Click here to register!
Imagine how we can give more opportunities for learning across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves!